Slideshow creates image slideshows that can be added to widget areas or to posts and pages via shortcodes. Use existing media library images or upload new images to groups and customize Slideshow modes with animation, transition and navigation options.
Unlimited Slideshow GroupsCreate multiple image Slideshow groups with unlimited customization combinations.
SlideshowSliderorCycleTransition ModesAssign Slideshow transition modes to groups:Slider(a slicing transition) orCycle (shuffles images).
Animation Transition EffectsChoose from over 30 animation effects for each transition mode.
Timing CustomizationsConfigure timing (in milliseconds) for image progression, animation and in/out view of slides
Responsive Support Compatible with responsive WordPress themes
Image Captions and URL LinksSlideshow images can include overlaying text captions and link to outside URLs.
Navigation ElementsEnable bullet or thumbnail (in Slider mode) navigation below Slideshow images for instant navigation between slides
One-Year Membership Subscription to Premium Support and Product UpdatesAll iThemes plugins include access to theiThemes Help Center, plus all product updates (including new version/feature additions) throughout the membership year